NOTE 033 - Free Grid Background Printables for Journaling & Crafts

Long time no post!
I really need to do an update around here. A lot has been going on!
If you want get all the details I recommend you check out my IG @pebbledpaper.
I’m on there everyday so plenty of updates haha.
I will probably make a post full of updates and stuff soon, but we will leave that
for another day!

In light of recent world events and wanting to make another free printable for you
guys to use, that is what I have for you today!
I know many are confined to their home for isolation or are trying to isolate to protect
themselves and others. And for a moment I want to say, good job! You are doing great!
I know it can be hard especially given the situation, but just know that everything
will be okay. We can heal. It takes time, but we can heal.

Because everyone is at home and hopefully using this time to relax, maybe do some
journaling and crafting, I have a free printable for you to use. 

This post will probably be incomplete for a while. I wanted to get photos and all that
fancy stuff, but I decided to go ahead and release the printables. I’ll do all the fancy
stuff later. 

The printables are very simple. Just basic grid backgrounds. I’m not gonna lie though,
when journaling and doing mails, the background is still very important to me.
So I thought these basic grid backgrounds in various colors would be very useful.

You can print it out on regular printer paper or onto sticker paper. I thought these
would even be cool to use as stickers! And maybe make something like washi
strips with them! The ideas are endless!

I have them in PDF format, so if there is a certain color you want to print, you will
have to adjust the settings to print only the page you want.

I made them both in pastel colors and vintage colors!

I will definitely be using these a lot myself, so I hope you can make good use of them
yourself!! My only request is that you only use these for personal use!

Please stay safe, healthy, and positive!

Vintage Grid Backgrounds

Pastel Grid Backgrounds


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