MAIL 023 - Vintage Collage for Simple Snail Mails - Cheap & Easy

Today, I have some very simple snail mails.
I think sometimes people get intimidated by having a Pen Pal & feeling like they
need to send them a whole package...or at least something complicated to make.

Well, you don't need to worry! Have your letters & stationery reflect who you are!
That's what we want. Genuine, you.

Sometimes I make simple snail mails. I don't always have the time (or energy) to make
a fancy snail mail. I usually resort to simply decorating a card & envelope.

Also, if you are new to snail mail, or if you have a tight budget, this is a great way to
still have a Pen Pal & craft. 

All I did was make the cards & collage. My envelopes I got at a thrift store.
Most of the papers I had on hand. I added some pressed leaves, found in nature.
It was just a simple snail mail.

Note: Don't send pressed flowers or plants for International Pen Pals!

You can watch as I make these in the video below!
I also discuss some tips & chat a bit.

I may make a post about where to get cheap & free snail mail materials soon!

Let me know how your snail mail journey started in the comments below!
Also, do you keep in touch with your Pen Pals between letters?

Also, quick note: If you are subscribed to my updates, please check your spam folder for the
confirmation email if it is not in your normal inbox. You may want to add me into your contacts as
well. I have been told that some of my updates do end up in the spam folder at times.
So please check!


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