MAIL 012 - Floral Shaker Snail Mail + Making Process

This post was going to be a mail making process post,
but because this was honestly so hard to make, I decided not.
I will show a few photos from the process though.
Sorry for the lighting. It is winter here, so it is darker these days.

Flower Cut-Outs
Confetti Dots
Pressed Flowers
Washi Tape
Plastic Packaging

I wanted to make a shaker envelope.
This is the hardest snail mail I have ever made. (& messy)
I measured out my plastic packaging to fit closer to my envelope.

I cut it & sealed the sides. The plastic packaging is so hard
to work with because it is slick. It was hard to seal too.
That is why I used so much washi tape.

I put in my cut-outs & pressed flowers through a little hole.
I tore the plastic a bit too.

I put my glitter in. I made a mess. That is why I patched it up with washi.

I added some embellishments & was satisfied. (& covered in glitter.)

I then stuck in the minimalistic envelope.
"빨간 꽃" means "red flower" in English.

I hope you liked this short process post! I will have some more in the future.


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